My Works

NFT Marketplace

Next.js based app working with metamask though WEB3 hooks developed in React.js. Allow Users to list, purchase, and sell NFTS through our NFT marketplace. The system charges listing fees for listing NFT and transaction fees for purchase and sell activities.

Presale ERC20 Token

Developed a Presale that allows to launch of multiple rounds at different prices. multiple purchasing pairs supported like USDT, ETH, or any other ERC 20. referral bonus supported. Token lock mechanism developed with a defined rule like when presale ends after certain days user can unlock purchase tokens only.

LinkedIn Clone

Developed LinkedIn clone. Allow users to sign or sign up with google. OAuth integretd. Users can post images, view feeds, and view current news fetch dynamically through news API

Spotify Music App

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Front-end Developer and UI DesignerHire Me